JBL WaterCraft will have your product shipped to you by the best method available for your specific needs. You have the option of next day, second day, third day, or ground shipping. Shipping charges are automatically calculated for you when placing an order. Total shipping charges are calculated based on the total weight of the all the items in your order. We reserve the right to ship any alternative way that meets or exceeds the customer’s delivery needs. Handling charges may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. Shipments of products from multiple manufacturers will be shipped separately.
No shipping is done on Saturday or Sunday. Note: Due to shipper restrictions we cannot deliver to P.O. Boxes. All Shipments are subject to stock availability. According to Visa™, MasterCard™, American Express™, and Discover™ regulations, JBL WaterCraft Ltd. is not allowed to ship product to an address that is not on file with the credit card holder’s bank. This address can be either the customer’s billing address or an authorized “ship-to” address.*
An order is considered shipped as soon as it is verified that the product is in stock and the order has been processed. A shipped order is subject to all the return policies laid out below. There will be a charge of $25.00 to your account for any shipment that is refused, along with ordinary return policy and shipping costs, including original shipping cost incurred by JBL WaterCraft Ltd.
On all credit card purchases, the BILLING and SHIPPING addresses must be on file with the bank/credit card company. It is the customer’s responsibility to call and add alternate shipping addresses with their credit card company. JBL WaterCraft recommends this being done before placing the order if the customer has any doubt about this.
• Orders that do not fill this requirement will delay or will not ship.
• A request can be made via phone to change shipping method, but the change cannot be guaranteed. Any added shipping expenses will automatically be charged on the same card that was used for the order.
• For the protection of the customer and JBL WaterCraft, all orders are shipped with signature required. Please make arrangements or be at ship-to address when packages are schedule to arrive. JBL WaterCraft cannot cover a second shipping charge if customer missed the first attempts at receiving product. If customer refuses or does not pick up product all cancellation & return policies apply.
• If you need shipping to anywhere outside of the United States or Canada, special arrangements must be made with our shipping manager. We cannot guarantee shipment, and payment must be made by money order or Credit card, excepted.
Depending from where the product is shipped, the methods used are USPS, UPS or FedEx. During the checkout process there is an option to choose paid ground shipping (5-7 Business Days), 3-Day Select, 2-Day Air, and Next Day Air. Pricing is listed in parenthesis next to the shipping method. This price is based on the weight of the combined items in your shopping basket.
Choosing “Next Day Air”, “2nd Day Air”, or “3 Day Select” for a shipping option, means that the order will be delivered in 1, 2, or 3 business days from the time it is shipped. Ship times vary from product to product. Each product detail page displays normal ship times.
* Only inside continental US and 7-10 Business Days.
We reserve the right to alter our product designs including, but not limited to, shape, fitment, finish or hardware without notice.
Since all of our graphics kits are made to order, there is a NO cancellation policy once order is submitted. If JBL WaterCraft deems an order can be partially refunded due to no work being done, the following applies. Any cancellations on graphics kits ordered that has gone to Layout, Templating, Proofs, or Custom Design status is subject to a 40% restocking fee due to Designer’s time already being paid for. When submitting an order online, in lieu of a digital signature, checking Terms and Conditions box before submitting an order will state your acceptance of this policy.
Your receipt of an electronic or other form of order confirmation does not signify our acceptance of your order, nor does it constitute confirmation of our offer to sell. JBL WaterCraft reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order to accept or decline your order for any reason. JBL WaterCraft reserves the right at any time after receipt of your order, without prior notice to you, to supply less than the quantity you ordered of any item.
All orders placed over $100.00 (U.S.) must obtain pre-approval with an acceptable method of payment, as established by our credit and fraud avoidance department. We may require additional verification’s or information before accepting any order. During the ordering process when you supply your email address it will be entered into a mailing list where you will receive notifications of monthly sales and specials. You may unsubscribe from this service at anytime. JBL WaterCraft will use email address only for internal use and will not distribute them any outside source.
Return Policy
JBL WaterCraft offers a 30-day return policy. No returns will be accepted after 30 days of invoice. No returns will be accepted on “Special Order” and/or “Made-to-Order” items. No returns will be accepted on products that have been used, installed, or altered from their original condition. Returned orders are subject to restocking fees of up to 25 percent, based on manufacturer return policies.
To return or exchange a part that is unused, uninstalled, in resalable condition, and is in original undamaged packaging, you must contact our Customer Service department within 30 days of receiving the item to generate a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. No packages will be accepted without a RMA number clearly visible. Failure to notify us within 30 days will forfeit your right to a refund or an exchange.
NO returns of any type will be accepted without an RMA number. For faster service, please have the following information on hand when calling for an RMA number: customer name, invoice number, serial number and nature of the problem. All products returned MUST be 100 percent complete, contain ALL original boxes and packing materials, original UPC codes on the manufacturer boxes, all manuals, blank warranty cards and other accessories and documentation provided by the manufacturer. Customer is responsible for shipping charges on returned items. If product is refused, customer is responsible for all shipping charges to and from destination that IPD Graphics has incurred. We strongly recommend that you fully insure your return shipment in case it is lost or damaged and you use a carrier that can provide you with proof of delivery for your protection.
If merchandise arrives damaged, save the merchandise AND the original packaging. Notify us immediately to arrange for a carrier inspection and a pick up of damaged merchandise. DEFECTIVE returns are to be sent directly to the manufacturer for replacement or repair under the manufacturer’s warranty policies. Manufacturer restrictions do apply and any item that is missing the UPC can ONLY be replaced with the same item. NON-DEFECTIVE returns can be accepted directly by IPD Graphics within 30 days from the invoice date, at our discretion for credit, exchange. All NON-DEFECTIVE returns are subject to restocking fees of up to 25 percent. Any credits will be issued by check or by a credit card account credit by JBL WaterCraft within 30 days of receiving the returned merchandise. All shipping expenses are non-refundable.
All returns must have a Returned Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number. Contact JBL WaterCraft for the RMA number. The RMA number must be clearly marked on the outside of the box, along with the word “RETURN”. All items must be packed carefully to prevent damage.
Any return item damaged during return shipping will not be warranted or considered for credit/refund. The original invoice, along with a letter describing the complaint (or RMA form included in package), must accompany all returns and must include the name, address and contact phone numbers for the customer, as well as e-mail address if available. Returns must be received within 45 days of the date the RMA number was issued. Any package shipped without an RMA number or received after 45 days will be refused. All freight charges are the responsibility of the customer and will not be reimbursed in the event of a warranty claim.
Limited Warranty
All warranty claims are made directly with the manufacturer as if the product was purchased directly from the manufacturer. No other responsibilities or warranties are expressed or implied. In the case that you might have a warranty issue, contact the manufacturer and they will issue an RMA number for return and exchange of your defective merchandise. If you need the manufacturer’s phone number or have any problems with the manufacturer honoring the warranty, then you can contact a JBL WaterCraft representative for help with the matter.
Unauthorized customer warranties or warranty items that do not meet warranty criteria as stated by the manufacturer will be denied and returned if requested, at the customer’s expense. Unclaimed denied warranty returns will be destroyed. Warranty returns that are miss-shipped, miss-packaged, or miss-delivered will not be ‘tracked down’ and are not the responsibility of JBL WaterCraft. JBL WaterCraft reserves the right to deny warranty service.
(i.e., internal engine parts)
No warranties on internal engine performance products for any reason. No returns, exchanges or refunds for any internal engine performance products. No credit will be issued for labor or any other cost incurred in the installation of these products.
As hard as we try, our mirror finished products are not always perfect. Small flaws and/or marks in the mirror finish do not constitute a flawed product. If, upon inspection you don’t agree, or if the chrome is very obviously flawed then please give us a call. Our standard chrome warranty is for a period of 90 days from date of invoice, for workmanship or defects. Corrosion defects due to salt spray in beach or snow areas, corrosive chemicals, improper care or cleaning are NOT COVERED by warranty.
Parts must be returned to JBL WaterCraft for inspection for determination of repair, replacement or credit. Misuse, improper installation, and/or modification of our product void all warranties. No replacement will be shipped prior to receipt of the return for inspection and determination of qualification of warranty. We will make every effort to ship replacement parts in a timely fashion, however, please be aware that delays may sometimes occur due to manufacturing schedules. Credits or refunds will be issued only for the value of the item and only if part was purchased directly from IPD Graphics. No credit will be issued for labor or any other cost incurred beyond the original cost of the part. IPD Graphics is not responsible for failure of any product that results from normal wear and tear, misuse, modification or improper installation. Bluing/yellowing or discoloration of exhaust products is NOT COVERED for warranty. Returns must have a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA) number clearly marked on the outside of the package. See RMA section of these policies for more information.
All items returned for warranty consideration are subject to inspection. IPD Graphics reserves the right to inspect all parts related to a warranty claim and to refuse any warranty claim upon inspection of said parts. No replacement products will be shipped prior to receipt and inspection of any product for warranty request.
Legal Notices
All items sold by JBL WaterCraft Ltd. are intended for closed course racing and show purposes and may not be street legal, DOT approved or EPA approved. Certain products can affect or void your manufacturer’s warranty.
Prices are subject to change without notice.
In the event a product is listed at an incorrect price or with incorrect information due to typographical error or error in pricing or product information received from our suppliers, JBL WaterCraft shall have the right to refuse or cancel any orders placed for product listed at the incorrect price. JBL WaterCraft shall have the right to refuse or cancel any such orders whether or not the order has been confirmed and your credit card charged. If your credit card has already been charged for the purchase and your order is canceled, we shall immediately issue a credit to your credit card account in the amount of the charge. If the customer has already received product, they must follow return policies. All product images and thumbnails are representations, and may not be the actual product. Many images are given straight from the manufacturer, and vary per application.
TRADEMARKS is a registered trademark of JBL Performance All custom graphics, icons, logos and service names are registered trademarks or service marks of JBL Performance. All other trademarks or service marks are property of their respective owners. The use of any JBL WaterCraft Ltd trademark or service mark without JBL Performances’ express written consent is strictly prohibited.
All materials appearing anywhere on and related sites are protected by worldwide copyright laws and treaty provisions. The copyright on such materials is held by JBL Performance or by the original creator of the materials. None of the materials may be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed in any form or by any means without written permission. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. Any unauthorized use of the materials appearing on JBL WaterCraft Ltd. or related site may violate copyright, trademark and other applicable laws and could result in criminal or civil penalties.
Seller hereby expressly disclaims all warranties either expressed or implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This disclaimer by the seller in no way affects the terms of the manufacturer’s warranty if any. Title to goods herein being purchased is retained by the seller until goods are paid for by the purchaser and at that time title passes to purchaser, upon receipt of goods. If goods herein being purchased are being purchased for purposes of export, purchaser must obtain from the Federal Government certain export documentation before shipping to a foreign country. In addition, manufacturers’ warranties for exported goods may vary or even be null and void. If you have any questions, please inquire. Any and all liability is only for the products purchased.